What do you do when you are involved in an automobile accident that is not your fault and the insurance company for the person who hit you is calling? You need an attorney. The insurance company for the guy who hit you is not calling to ask how much your check should be. The insurance companies do not want you to get legal advice because once you know your rights, they cannot take advantage of you.
Set an appointment to discuss your case with one of our attorneys. The attorney will have numerous questions about the case that involve information only known by you. There are documents you should get and information you should have in mind prior to this meeting.
First, get your automobile insurance and health insurance information. That information is important for payment of medical bills and possible claims under your uninsured (UM) or underinsured (UIM) portion of your policy.
Second, have a list of all known witnesses to the accident. Addresses and phone numbers are very helpful. If you have the Traffic Collision Report or police report, always bring it. If you do not have a report you should have been given a card that contains the report number. Bring that card to the meeting with our attorney. Information about the other party who caused the accident is important including name, address and phone number. If known, bring any information you have concerning the insurance of the other party.
Third, take photographs of property damage and personal injuries and bring whatever photographs you do have. If they are on your cell phone, bring the telephone. We will need to know where the car is located or where it was fixed. If you have given a statement to any insurance company or investigator, bring the name, address and telephone number of the person with whom you spoke.
Lastly, if you have had earlier civil claims, lawsuits or workers’ compensation claims involving the same parts of your body or injuries similar to the ones in this accident, bring your old legal paperwork or medical records. If you have medical records from the present accident, bring those records.
These documents will help your case proceed more rapidly. Bring these documents and make that first appointment with your attorney much easier and productive for you and the attorney.