Dedicated Workers' Compensation Law Firm Serving Our Community
Tichy Law Inc. is a proud member of Northern California communities. We work to serve the area by sponsoring a number of charity events and supporting organizations like those below.
- Pioneer Mutual Hook & Ladder Society
- Firefighters Burn Institute
- Sacramento Area Firefighters Local 522
- Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 256
- Tom Lawson Community Impact Golf Tournament
- Sacramento-Sierra Building Trades
- Sacramento Central Labor Council
- Coalition of Organized Labor (COOL) – The Obie Golf Tournament
- Sacramento Food Bank
- Yolo Food Bank
- Woodland United Way
- Legal Services of Northern California
- Davis Odd Fellows Lodge
- Newspapers in Education
- King Hall Legal Foundation – Steve Boutin Invitational
- Barristers’ Club of Sacramento
- Mexican American Concilio
- El Macero Women’s Golf Group
- Getty Owl Run/Walk
- Placer PTC
- Golden Eagle Baseball