The value of personal injury cases is always subject to dispute.  Everyone has heard of the case where someone got millions and wasn’t hurt.   That just doesn’t happen.  A case is valued by both sides on many factors.  Who was fault, what are the injuries, what are the extent of the injuries – life long or just temporary, how old is the injured person, how much are the medical bills that were paid, how much is owing, what will the future hold by way of medical bills, what level was the pain and suffering, will there be pain and suffering in the future, was there wage loss, will there be future wage loss – the list is longer than this but gives one the basic understanding that valuing a case is no easy task.  To top it all off the case may have great value but a small amount of insurance and no assets.  What then?  The lawyer working with the client and experts, such as doctors, make an appraisal to value the case and then set out to reasonably resolve the case.

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